Infinity Walk in Small Groups or with Specially Paired Children |
Infinity Walk Topics
Preschoolers may play Infinity Walk in small developmentally matched groups; in thoughtfully considered pairings of children; and, during organized small class activities that hold the other children’s attention while waiting for their turn.
Teachers should stay aware of the current knowledge base of each child, so that most Infinity Walk challenges are at a “just-right” learning level for the child. Every child should end an Infinity Walk turn with a success. Infinity Walking with Animal Cards The teacher should create the means for this final success if it does not occur naturally out of the game. Ideally, each preschool Infinity Walker should have two or three “just-right” challenges during a 60-90 second turn-taking of Infinity Walking, with no more than one incorrect response to a visual or auditory stimuli. A game lasting 12-15 minutes is long enough for this age group. Practiced regularly, this is enough to see considerable progress over time.
Infinity Walking with Number Counting Cards |
To learn more about introducing Infinity Walk to preschoolers, the companion video to the 2002 text, The Complete Infinity Walk: BOOK I The Physical Self is recommended |
Leonardo Foundation Press 151 Panorama Trail Rochester, New York USA 14625-1843 Copyright © Sunbeck, All Rights Reserved Infinity Walk® and Infinity WalkAbout® are US Trademark & Patent Protected |