PDP 26th
annual Minneapolis symposium, 2/06
From an OT with specialty in
sensory integration; SIPT certified; pediatric-geriatric populations
“I want to pay you the
highest and most sincere compliments regarding this conference. I am
in awe of how you have developed this program. You are an excellent
presenter and I am so thankful for all the handouts. They will be
extremely helpful for me in how to observe and document what I am
seeing and needing to address. Thank you for the gift of sharing so
much with us”.
From an OT who works with
pediatric and adult developmental disability issues
I’m very excited about
the deeper understanding about the profound neuromusculoskeletal,
social, cognitive implications of the Infinity Walk. I had been
using it in a more limited way as a “technician” Now I understand
how to apply it more in a clinically intuitive way for the whole
From a speech therapist
working in pediatric rehabilitation setting in a hospital
“I’ve thought of many
more children that I look forward to trying this (the Infinity Walk)
with. Your presentation has made it much more freeing than the way I
was first introduced to the concept. Thanks for the handouts and CD
– great”!
From an OTR working in
pediatric medical rehabilitation clinic
“At first I wasn’t sure
what an OT clinician could learn from a psychologist, but quickly
realized any clinician working with the whole child could learn from
another. I really like the whole language component used during the
Infinity Walk. I usually just use movement, vision and auditory”.
From a school-based OT, EC
to age 16.
“Thank you for
broadening my horizon in regards to Infinity Walk. One of the
nuggets I’m taking home is to end every Infinity Walk practice with
a success no matter how much time is left in treatment session.
Thank you Deborah for sharing your peace and grace! You walk you
talk! And for your generosity with sharing so much – the CD,
brochures, notes”.
From a PT working for a
school district; special needs age 3-21
“This has been very
useful in pulling together all the various information I have gotten
on Infinity Walk in the past and pointing me in the right direction.
We have been using Infinity Walk in our school district but now I
understand so much more”.
From a PT working in an
out-patent rehabilitation clinic
“Infinity Walk includes
excellent therapeutic (exercise) techniques that stimulate the
cerebellum. Very useful”.
From an OT retired from a
school district and now doing substitute contract work.
“As a therapist with an
extensive background in sensory integration I was impressed with
your presentation and how the use of the Infinity Walk had such a
positive impact on the full range of functional performance
From an OT working for a
school district
“I had bought your video
in the past and was amazed at the changes that I saw in the
students. I’m glad I was able to attend your conference. I have been
using Infinity Walk informally for about 2 years but am now very
motivated to do more with it”!
From a OTR working in a
nursing home and a pediatric rehabilitation clinic
“I have had great
results with adult population using Infinity walk. My first time
using the walk was with a person who had a stroke. The PTs thought
she would be unsafe to go home without a walker. I worked with her
with the Infinity Walk and she returned home without a walker or
cane. She continued the walk at home and is now driving again. Your
course is helping me work with children too. Thanks for the
resources for training (the staff were she is employed).
From a PT working for a
school district
“I have been using
Infinity Walk on a limited basis after an in-service on it given by
another therapist. I have been impressed with what I had seen as far
as results as they related to bilateral integration. Now I feel like
I have a greater understanding about it, and will be expanding my
use of the Infinity Walk. My students will truly benefit from this
From an OT working as a
consultant to group homes; behavioral and sensory issues
“Excellent. Your style
of presentation is delightful and it was easy to stay tuned in.
Thanks for all your time and energy that you have devoted to this”.