Infinity WalkAbout
A Senior Patient's Feedback on the Infinity WalkAbout Railing System | |
Health Care Topics
I had a total hip replacement in August of 2005. The surgery was successful; and after my physical therapy, I was certainly much better. However, I find that I have a problem with stamina and balance. These two problems are still making it challenging for me to walk any kind of distance. An added factor are my medications that I take for other problems, which make me somewhat dizzy. All in all I’m not very steady on my feet
About a month
ago, as part of a clinical research and training program, I had my first
experience with the “ Infinity WalkAbout”. To my amazement, with the aid of
the Infinity WalkAbout railing I was able to walk for a continued time of 30
minutes and it felt good.
At the time of
this “walk about”, I also had a pain in the muscle at the front of my thigh,
which had been increasing since the surgery. When I discussed this with the therapist, she explained that those particular thigh muscles are hard to stretch. The curving left and right, along the figure- eight rails must have eased the tension out of the muscle cramping in my thigh. This pain was gone for about 2-3 days after my “ Infinity Walk “. Then it slowly came back. At this time my pain is about 80% back. This tells me that regular “ Infinity Walks “ might help me with my walking and with this muscle pain in my thigh. It has been approximately a month since my “ Infinity Walk “. I have not walked like that since then, even though I know I should. I truly enjoyed the security as well as the diversity of the ever changing direction of the “ Infinity WalkAbout “ . It eliminated all my fears of losing my balance or getting dizzy. The curving rails on both sides gave me confidence and security. It was an invigorating and enjoyable experience. Currently I have cardiac therapy, which includes walking on a treadmill. Since my “ Infinity“ walking experience, I realize how much better results I had with the “Infinity" equipment. How wonderful it would be to have this equipment available on a regular basis. I'm planning on continuing to be part of a program that monitors the long range benefits of regular use of the “ Infinity WalkAbout “ for seniors or disabled persons like myself. Donald B. Stevens, |
* Infinity WalkAbout Railing Systems are broadly and strongly protected by U.S. patent law. |
Leonardo Foundation Press 151 Panorama Trail Rochester, New York USA 14625-1843 Copyright © Sunbeck, All Rights Reserved Infinity Walk® and Infinity WalkAbout® are US Trademark & Patent Protected |