Physical Therapy


Infinity Walk - A Physical Therapist’s Perspective

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Infinity Walk’s uninterrupted figure-eight pathway supports the rehabilitation process, from detailed finite skill development to gross motor endurance. The reciprocal walk pattern assists in functional practice of bilateral sensing; perceiving; rhythm, timing and pacing; attention; and the building of multi-tasking skill. Orthopedic limitations, movement discrepancies, performance blocks, and sensory-motor compensatory patterns can be isolated for intervention and retraining, refocusing treatment objectives, and functional progression. Infinity Walk also supports professional assessment of unilateral-bilateral gait; joint dysfunction and sensory-motor deficits.

Jane Ver Dow, M.S., P.T
Rochester, New York

Jane Ver Dow, P.T., is a senior physical therapist with 20 years of clinical experience in rehabilitation. She was the clinical supervisor for the first Infinity WalkAbout® prototype clinical trials in a nursing home photo. 

Leonardo Foundation Press    151 Panorama Trail    Rochester, New York  USA   14625-1843

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