

Medical Fundamentals of Infinity Walk

Lateral Asymmetries
Dual Nature of Limbic System

Precise Bilateral Neural Sequencing and Timing

 A 25 millisecond average delay in hemispheric communication between the dual brains force one lateral half of the brain and body to lead a task, and the other half to follow. Just like in couple dancing, one person must lead, and one must follow, if they are to dance as a coordinated couple. However, which hemisphere does the leading, can and should change depending on the requirements of different tasks. Ideally, the hemisphere that has more capacity for a particular task should do the leading.


Coordination for a specific task increases with consistency in using the same sequence of neural firings over and over again. Therefore, establishing lateralized dominance, per task, is important to learning and skill acquisition. However, reliance on the same hemisphere to lead every task will reduce coordination and efficiency potential when the task would benefit from the non-dominant hemisphere’s specialty.  


For Instance:

  • Handwriting, speech and “ball” sports benefit from a strong lateral dominance.

  • Balance stability as we age is disadvantaged by an overly lateralized response.

  • Approaching mathematics the same way one learns to spell disadvantages the student

Coordination is usually more developed for either clockwise or counterclockwise turning unless a person is skilled performing artist, or an athlete of a sport that develops full coordination of both sides of the body. (Not all sports do.)


A simple demonstration of the same lateral dominance working both for and against the coordination of the whole body occurs early in Infinity Walk training. Many people’s first experience of Infinity Walking is that one circle of the figure-eight circuit as easier or more comfortable to do. This man is right motor dominant for turning, neck reflex, eye-tracking skills and handwriting. He is also most “at home” in his body in the clockwise circle of the Infinity Walk circuit. Notice the closed fists and rounded shoulders as his circles left vs. right. These are common indicators that a task has become more difficult than it needs to be because lateral dominance is not shifting when needed in order to optimize performance. This happens not only for motor coordination but also for tasks that requires lateral shifts in attention, cognition and perception.


Infinity Walk counterclockwise circling (non-dominant turning direction) Infinity Walk clockwise circling (dominant turning direction)


Infinity Walking will reveal decreased balance and coordination; and even the most subtle increases in stress and coping mechanisms when the body is feeling challenged by a task.


 A person might have tens or hundreds of inefficient lateralized habits that affect balance and coordination, attention, motivation, learning strategies and study habits, expressive language, perceptual processes, and more.  Even people with no known physical concerns or learning challenges are surprised to discover that everyday established skills are disadvantaged by something as simple as needing to walk in a non-dominant turning direction at the same time as performing a second task.  


Watch this video clip of a first-time adult Infinity Walker as she discovers an initial dramatic difference in feeling coordinated when her body needs to shift lateral dominance for leading the coordination of walking between her clockwise and counterclockwise circling. Years of a right leg dominant habit of leading the timing and coordination of all her walking had resulted in her feeling “lopsided” and off-balance in the non-dominant Infinity Walk circle.[4]   

Next Topic: Effectiveness

[4] Copyrighted video footage is from the 2003 Companion Video to The Complete Infinity Walk: BOOK 1 The Physical Self. Leonardo Foundation Press, (book 2002)

Leonardo Foundation Press    151 Panorama Trail    Rochester, New York  USA   14625-1843

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