

Medical Fundamentals of Infinity Walk

Lateral Asymmetries
Dual Nature of Limbic System

Think �Dual Brain�, Not �Four Limbs�

Infinity Walk�s Method or Effectiveness
is not �limb-dependent�.

 Infinity Walk successes happen because a person�s uniqueness is benefited by a dual brain, or bilateral brain, approach to improved health.

Improved bilateral motor skills are common and very welcome, but not a necessary result of greater dual-brain collaboration of many important skills.

Watch this video demonstrating "Dual Brain" functionality

Topic Summary:

Infinity Walk is a dual-brain, progressively more challenging and integrative skill-building method. The focus of progressive development is on the improved integration of the brain, nervous system, mind, and the whole person.

Infinity Walk�s capacity to facilitate bilaterally integrated skill building and multi-tasking has made it a useful method to many health care professions.

Also, explore the USE IN HEALTH CARE drop menu to browse specialized Infinity Walk uses in specific health care fields

Leonardo Foundation Press    151 Panorama Trail    Rochester, New York  USA   14625-1843

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