

Educational Seminar Feedback

Infinity Walk
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Treating Disorders with Sensorimotor, Cognitive and Psychosocial Components Using Best-Use Practices of the Infinity Walk Method

Presenter: Deborah Sunbeck, Ph.D.
6 contact hours

Sampling of Feedback from Participants of Cattaraugus/Allegany BOCES Staff Development Day; Olean, NY

 Heather Holland, PT; serves students with sensory, coordination and balance deficits

I had never used Infinity walk but had heard about it. I certainly was unaware of the huge scope it encompasses> I’m going to sue it myself for stress relief, with my children as a learning tool, for my mom to continue good movement through her neck and trunk and most importantly with the children I serve to provide another experience for them to feel successful while building skills.

 Sandy Janiga, OT; serves ages 5-12. Diagnoses include CP, MD, autistic, PDD, SI, LD, and motor delays.

 I’m very excited about trying this method. I can think of several students that can benefit.

 Donna Damude, COTA; serves preschool/school-aged, sensory-based movement activities, visual perceptual and visual motor integration

 I have used Infinity Walk and have found it to be very helpful. I had a student who was unable to retain/retrieve previously learned information. I saw wonderful progress and skills that were able to be maintained. You can see the quality of movement consistently improve. Very useful information. Teacher and classroom friendly.

 Lori Walczyk, OTR; serves special education students in regular and special education settings

 Very educational. You did an excellent job of presenting the philosophy of the Infinity Walk. I love that fact that you took the time to provide us with resources for documentation and to complete our own case studies and individualize the Infinity Walk to each of our students. I have students that I work with that participated in the Infinity Walk as a recommendation from their vision therapists.

 Julie Shattuck, OTR/L; serves ages 5-21 , primarily developmental delays and CP

 Excellent conference, very thorough and informative! Amazed at how much better I felt after completing the Infinity Walk (in-service training demonstration), so much more relaxed and centered.

JoAnne Arnold, PT; serves pre-k through age 21; students with gross motor delays, balance and coordination challenges

 I’ve read both (Infinity Walk) books and had begun to use Infinity walk with some students over a year ago. This workshop gave me a better understanding of where to go from here … I’m a “see one- do one” learner, and appreciated the active time Infinity Walking/observing and sharing observations.

 Jennifer Penski-Adams, PT; serves ages 3-21; CP, MD, sever DD. Low/high muscle tone, balance/coordination and ambulation deficiencies

 Very enlightening. Videos were amazing, would have been hard to believe postural/ambulatory improvements, if not for the video (case studies). Can’t wait to try it with my kiddos! Thank you.

 Holly Studd, OT; serves K-12 special ed students

 This was an excellent workshop. I learned a lot and can’t wait to use this with my students. I am also going to sue it with my 85-year-old parents. Thanks!


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