

School-Based Health Care Professional Development Workshop

Infinity Walk
Uses in Education

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Seminar Feedback

Treating Disorders with Sensorimotor, Cognitive and Psychosocial Components Using Best-Use Practices of the Infinity Walk Method

Deborah Sunbeck, Ph.D.
School-based participants: OT, PT, SLP, Spec. Ed., Nurse, Counselor,
1-2 days, 6-12 contact hours

This interactive and media enhanced 1-day program introduces the Infinity Walk and its usefulness as a progressively more challenging and integrative multi-tasking skill builder. Treatment plans that include Infinity Walk can accomplish the simultaneous practice of many sensorimotor, cognitive and psychosocial skills in a relaxed integrated context of normally occurring movement and social interaction. Participants will develop a theoretical and practical understanding of the Infinity Walk method and its many progressive adaptations, and gain sufficient practice and experience to immediately begin to apply the method within their professional area of expertise.

The primary focus of the program will be on the use of the method with preschoolers and school-age youth, but the day's learnings can be applied to all ages or can be further adapted for many special need uses, including with use of assisted or motorized ambulation, therapeutic horses, and therapeutic pools. Infinity Walk intervention strategies will be discussed for one-on-one, paired, small group and classroom environments. In addition, the successful use of Infinity Walk as a sensory-integrative home practice method with high-compliance is explained and taught.


 Objectives: Participants will be able to 

1) Observe and document over 15 sensorimotor, cognitive and psychosocial components of performance while engaging the Infinity Walker (Rider/Swimmer/Crawler/etc.) in playful performance challenges.

2) Understand and describe the neurological foundation of Infinity Walk theory and method.

3) Select and develop appropriate Infinity Walk intervention strategies for inclusion in clinical treatment plans and educational IEPs.

4) Easily articulate to parents and non-professionals how to facilitate additional Infinity Walk practice time at home and in childcare settings with use of a handout booklet about Infinity Walk that may be copied and distributed.

5) Present Infinity Walk at school facility and staff development meetings with use of a PowerPoint presentation handout on CD and other handouts that may be copied.


Leonardo Foundation Press    151 Panorama Trail    Rochester, New York  USA   14625-1843

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